General Presentation of Elcogas. 2014.
- General Presentation of ELCOGAS.
- ELCOGAS IGCC plant: Clean coal technology. Experience and Future.
- Presentación "Producción de hidrógeno a partir del carbón". Máster Universitario en EE. RR., Pilas de Combustible e Hidrógeno.
May 06th 2014, Madrid.
- Presentación "Sostenibilidad medioambiental y económica: El ejemplo de ELCOGAS". Jornada Desafíos de la sostenibilidad del mercado energético, de la Cátedra UCLM-ELGOGAS.
April 24th 2014,Albacete.
- Presentación "Hydrogen production from coal and biomass co-gasification. ELCOGAS experience on the field". European Hydrogen Energy Conference EHEC 2014.
March 13th 2014,Sevilla.
- Presentación "ELCOGAS. Operating experiences of the dust removal system". The January meeting of the German Energy Raw Material Network.
January 23th 2014,Freiberg (Germany).
- Presentación "Gasification: Sustainable power production. The Puertollano IGCC plant". Campus de Excelencia Internacional 2011.
November 21th 2013,Toledo.
- Presentación "Coal gasification in Spain. The future of sustainable coal". 4th European Coal Days.
November 13th 2013,Bruselas.
- Presentación "Commercial feasibility of integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC)". A new age for coal with carbon capture and storage (CCS).
November 7th 2013,Londres.
- Presentación "Producción de H2 por gasificación: una vía para producir H2 limpio y competitivo para uso en vehículos". Jornada Técnica GT Transporte y GT Producción (PTE HPC).
November 5th 2013,Madrid.
- Presentación "ELCOGAS. La oportunidad de la planta GICC de demostración tecnológica de Puertollano". 8º UCLM Foro Empleo 3E
October 29th 2013,Toledo.
- Presentación "Captura CO2 en procesos pre-combustión. El proyecto español de ELCOGAS". Curso en Tecnologías de Captura, Transporte y Almacenamiento Geológico de CO2.
July 16th 2013,El Bierzo(León).
- Presentación "Captura CO2 en precombustión. Experiencia real GICC Puertollano". Curso Tecnologías Avanzadas en la Generación Limpia de Energía (TAGLE 2013).
June 13th 2013,Zaragoza.
- Presentación "Residuos sólidos urbanos: Su utilización en ELCOGAS". Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente. ELCOGAS, S.A.
June 5th 2013,Puertollano.
- Presentación "Restauración en el Centro Minero de Puertollano. ENCASUR ENDESA". Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente. ELCOGAS, S.A.
June 5th 2013,Puertollano.
- Presentación "Producción de H2 a partir del carbón". Máster universitario en EE.RR., Pilas de Combustible e Hidrógeno.
May 29th 2013,Madrid.
- Presentación "Captura de CO2 en Pre-combustión. Una experiencia real en España (ELCOGAS)". Colegio Oficial de Químicos – Asociación Químicos de Madrid.
May 23th 2013,Madrid.
- Presentación "Spanish Experience, ELCOGAS". International Workshop: Carbon capture, transport and storage AENOR - PTECO2.
February 6th 2013,Madrid.
- Presentación "Plan de Inversiones en Investigación Desarrollo e Innovación". Jornadas Energía Sostenible 2012.
December 17th 2012,Albacete.
- Presentación "Co-gasificación de biomasa y carbón con captura de CO2. La experiencia de la central GICC de Puertollano". La energía de la biomasa.
December 11th 2012,Oviedo.
- Presentación "ELCOGAS pre_combustion carbon capture pilot. Real experience of commercial technology". 11th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies.
November 18-22th 2012,Kyoto, Japón.
- Presentación "IGCC Technology and CCS Demonstration – Spain Experience. Experiences from ELCOGAS IGCC plant". Training Programme on CCT and CCS: Learning from the European CCT/CCS Experiences.
November 2-3th 2012,Tiruchirappalli, India.
- Presentación "ELCOGAS Carbon Capture Pilot cost assessment in different scenarios". Gasification Technology Conference.
Octuber 30th 2012,Washington DC, Estados Unidos.
- Presentación "Prenflo Gasification Technology. Experiences from Puertollano plan". 5th International Freiberg Conference on IGCC & Xtl. Technologies.
September 18th 2012,Leipzig (Alemania).
- Presentación "Captura de CO2 en precombustión: Coproducción de H2 y electricidad". Curso de verano de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
July 25th 2012,La Granja de San Idelfonso (Madrid).
- Presentación "Producción de hidrógeno a partir del carbón". Curso de Hidrógeno y Pilas de Combustible.
June 18th 2012,Madrid.
- Presentación "Puertollano IGCC: ELCOGAS 14 MWt CO2 capture and H2 co-production pilot plant main results". POWER-GEN EUROPE.
June 13th 2012,Colonia.
- Presentación "Producción de hidrógeno a partir del carbón". Máster Universitario en EE. RR., Pilas de Combustible e Hidrógeno.
June 06th 2012,Madrid.
- Presentación "Hacia el vertido CERO". Jornada de celebración del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente en ELCOGAS.
June 06th 2012,Puertollano.
- Presentación "Captura de CO2 en precombustión: Coproducción de H2 y electricidad". Cátedra Rafael Mariño - U. P. de Comillas.
June 04th 2012,Madrid.
- Presentación "Elcogas 14 MWth pre-combustion carbon dioxide capture pilot: technical & economical achievements". 5th International Freiberg Conference on GICC and XtL Technologies.
May 22th 2012, Leipzig (Germany).
- Presentación "Elcogas carbon capture & hydrogen production pilot; technical and economical outcome". The 11th European Gasification Conference (IChemE).
May 10th 2012, Sardinia (Italy).
- Presentación "Designing gasification processes for high efficiency". Workshop for 11th European Gasification Conference (IChemE).
May 8th 2012, Sardinia (Italy).
- Presentación "Datos reales de Captura de CO2. La Planta piloto de Puertollano. Coproducción limpia de electricidad e hidrógeno". Jornada: ELCOGAS, Gasificación Integrada en Ciclo Combinado. Experiencia real sobre la Captura de CO2.
February 15th 2012, Madrid.
- Presentación "Tecnologías limpias del uso del carbón y residuos en España. La Planta GICC de ELCOGAS". Jornada: ELCOGAS, Gasificación Integrada en Ciclo Combinado. Experiencia real sobre la Captura de CO2.
February 15th 2012, Madrid.
- Presentación "Mobbing: Realidad y Ficción". Carlos Manuel Moyano Jurado. II Jornadas de Concienciación de la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en ELCOGAS, S.A.
November 29th 2011, ELCOGAS, Puertollano.
- Presentación "Vigilancia de la Salud: Patologías emergentes y estrés laboral. Antonio Pol Arias. II Jornadas de Concienciación de la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en ELCOGAS, S.A.
November 29th 2011, ELCOGAS, Puertollano.
- Presentación "La Prevención de los Riesgos Laborales en el marco de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. José Yanes Coloma. II Jornadas de Concienciación de la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en ELCOGAS, S.A.
- November 29th 2011, ELCOGAS, Puertollano.
- Presentación "14 MWth Pre-Combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture Pilot Plant: Main Results and Conclusions". Gasification Technologies Conference.
from 09 to 12 October 2011, San Francisco.
- Presentación "Puertollano IGCC: Towards zero emissions power plants". International conference on coal science & technology.
from 07 to 13 October 2011, Oviedo.
- Presentation "R&D Plan results and experience in the Puertollano IGCC". Gasification Conference.
6th and 7th June, 2011, London.
- Presentation "CO2 Capture and H2 Production Pilot Plant Test Results". Celebration of World Environment Day in ELCOGAS.
June 6th, 2011, Puertollano.
- Presentation "CO2 Capture and H2 Production Pilot Plant". Seminar on Energy and Climate Change: Encouraging private investment in low-carbon technology.
June 6th, 2011, Madrid Fundacion Entorno-BCSD España.
- Presentation "ELCOGAS IGCC: Towards zero emissions power plants". Fifth International Conference on Clean Coal Technologies.
May 8th to 12th, 2011, Saragossa.
- Presentation " CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage (CCS) ". Escuela Tecnica de Ingenieros de Minas.
April 6th, 2011, Madrid.
- Presentation "ELCOGAS. Towards CO2-free electricity from coal". Feria Renova 2011.
March 23rd, 2011, Puertollano.
- Presentation "Energy and climate change: Integrated gasification in combined cycle". Asociacion y Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales de Ciudad Real.
March 23rd, 2011, Ciudad Real.
- Presentation "Technological development as a response to the challenges of climate change (CIFF)". Club Español de la Energia.
March 18th, 2011, Madrid.
- Presentation "CO2 Workshops: WORKSHOP 4. CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage". Club Español de la Energia.
February 24th, 2011, Madrid.
- Presentation "Energy and climate change: Integrated gasification in combined cycle". Asociacion y Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales.
February 2nd,2011, Madrid.
- Presentation "The Doctorate Vision. ELCOGAS's Contribution". Doctorate Seminar at the University of Castile-La Mancha.
February 2nd, 2011, Ciudad Real.
- Presentation "ELCOGAS R&D INVESTMENT PLAN". European Commission Delegation visit.
December 2nd, 2010, Puertollano, Ciudad Real.
Presentation "Clean Coal Technology & Experience". European Commission Delegation visit.
December 2nd, 2010, Puertollano, Ciudad Real. - Presentation "Culture of Safety". 1st Labour Risk Prevention Day.
November 25th, 2010, Puertollano, Ciudad Real
- Talk "ELCOGAS IGCC: Towards zero emissions power plants". 10th European Gasification Conference.
October 4th-6th, 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Talk "Process of CO2 capture in pre-combustion. Pilot experience in ELCOGAS". Summer course of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
July 5th and 6th, 2010, La Granja de San Ildefonso.
- Talk "Status of the pilot plant for CO2 capture & H2 production at Puertollano". 2010 EPRI Advanced Coal & CO2 Capture & Storage Seminar.
September 14th to 16th, 2010, Rome, Italy
- Presentation "ELCOGAS's practical experience. The first CO2 capture pilot plant integrated in a thermal power plant". Course on CO2 capture and storage organized by the IIR of Spain.
June 24th, 2010, Madrid.
- Presentation "Carbon Capture Demonstration Pilot Plant". 4th Annual Conference on CO2 Emission Reduction Strategies.
June 16th-18th, 2010, Berlin, Germany.
- Presentation "Hydrogen production from coal". Course on hydrogen and fuel cells, organized by the Plataforma Tecnologica del Hidrogeno y las Pilas de Combustible.
June 14th, 2010, Madrid
- Seminar "ELCOGAS's Integrated Authorization. New challenges and opportunities". Celebration of World Environment Day in ELCOGAS.
June 14th, 2010, Puertollano.
- Seminar "An approach to the Environmental Responsibility Law. Effect on Electricity Sector Plants". Celebration of World Environment Day in ELCOGAS.
June 14th, 2010, Puertollano.
- Seminar "CO2 capture and H2 production pilot plant. Current status and test plan". Celebration of World Environment Day in ELCOGAS.
June 14th, 2010, Puertollano.
- Presentation "ELCOGAS IGCC: Towards zero emissions Power plants". POWER-GEN EUROPE.
June 8th-10th, 2010, Amsterdam.
- Presentation "R&D Plan results and experience in the Puertollano IGCC". 4th Annual New Build Europe.
May 26th-27th, 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany.
- Seminar "Hydrogen production by gasification". Master in renewable energies, fuel cells and hydrogen", of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
May 18th, 2010, Madrid.
- Presentation "What does ELCOGAS and its IGCC Plant represent in the European national electricity sector?". Seminar on experience and future of sustainable coal.
May 13th, 2010, Saragossa.
- Presentation "The future of clean-coal technologies. ELCOGAS's R&D&I Plan". Seminar on experience and future of sustainable coal.
May 13th, 2010, Saragossa.
- Presentation "Eleven years experience in operation of the ELCOGAS IGCC Plant". Seminar on experience and future of sustainable coal.
May 13th, 2010, Saragossa.
- Talk "R&D Plan results and experience in the Puertollano IGCC". 4th International Conference of Freiberg.
May 3rd-5th, Dresden, Germany.
- Presentation "Technological development as a response to the challenges of climate change". Energy finance course organized by the Centro Internacional de Formacion Financiera and ENERCLUB.
April 30th, 2010, Madrid.
- Presentation "Engineering and Energy". Course of the Industrial Engineering School of Ciudad Real.
April 16th, 2010, Ciudad Real.
- Presentation "H2 production with CO2 capture". Course on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.
March 2010, Madrid.
- Presentation "What does ELCOGAS and its IGCC Plant represent in the European national electricity sector?". Seminar on experience and future of sustainable coal. Fundacion Gomez Pardo.
February 17th, 2010, Madrid (COIMCE).
- Presentation "The future of clean-coal technologies. ELCOGAS's R&D&I Plan". Seminar on experience and future of sustainable coal. Fundacion Gomez Pardo.
February 17th, 2010, Madrid (COIMCE).
- Presentation "Eleven years experience in operation of the ELCOGAS IGCC Plant". Seminar on experience and future of sustainable coal. Fundacion Gomez Pardo.
February 17th, 2010, Madrid (COIMCE).
- Presentation "The first CO2 capture pilot plant integrated in a thermal power plant. The practical experience of ELCOGAS". Intereconomia Conferences: Novelties after the Copenhagen Summit on CO2 capture and storage.
January 26th, 2010, Madrid.
- Presentation "The future of clean-coal technologies. ELCOGAS'S RDI Plan". Seminar on the experience and future of sustainable coal at the ELCOGAS IGCC Plant.
January 20th, 2010, Oviedo (COIMNE).
- Presentation "Eleven years experience in operation of the ELCOGAS IGCC Plant". Seminar on the experience and future of sustainable coal at the ELCOGAS IGCC Plant.
January 20th, 2010, Oviedo (COIMNE).
- Presentation "What does ELCOGAS and its IGCC Plant represent in the European national electricity sector?". Seminar on the experience and future of sustainable coal at the ELCOGAS IGCC Plant.
January 20th, 2010, Oviedo (COIMNE).
- Presentation "RUSSIA POWER CONFERENCE 2005".
March 09th, 2005, Moscow (Russia).