The pilot plant of Captura of CO2 and Producción of H2 that ELCOGAS is integrating in his facilities, is in an advanced degree of the construction.
The mechanical put-up initiated the last month of August, planificándose in 2 phases itself. The first consists in the assembly of the two supplied pre-mounted units for the company gasman alemana Linde; These units are that of separation of CO2 with amines, and the one of purification of hydrogen, that they became enraptured once suitably-sized parts for his supply were partitioned by road. This phase I completed itself about the end of the last month of September and the debtor whose property is attached for the company has been HGL ( Brothers Guarnizo and López ). For the Phase II contemplates the installation of the remaining unit himself ( conversion from BC to CO2, consisting of 9 teams between reactors, moneychangers and deposits ), as well as the put-up of all the pipes of interconnection between the three units among themselves, and between these units and GICC of Elcogas plants it. The put-up of the pipes becomes of a lofty complexity since it involves installing a total of 2,000 metres of piping, and connecting with 18 points of the plant GICC. This Phase II, alloted to MASS Puertollano, it is fulfilled from beginnings of September, and it is been working in tandem at Elcogas ( put-up of the teams mentioned, as well as metallic structures for support of pipes ), and at the workshops of the mounter ( the whole prefabrication of pipes to minimise the works with the plant GICC in operation ). This Fase II of the mechanical put-up is foreseen that it is completed before end of the year.
In addition, the electric and instrumentation put-up allotted in September to the company MEISA, and it will execute myself between November and January, so that he enters February and March come true the pre-operational proofs of the components and systems of the whole pilot plant, and the installation remain at call to March 31 the coming year. From that moment, such and as he reflects in the memory of activities of the project once the MICINN like the JCCM was presented so much to, it is had once a year was organised of proofs in said installation that they allow getting real data from the operation of this plant. Said operation will be carried out by a team of superior titled persons hired by the UCLM, and whose first incorporations have taken effect recently with the aim of that your formation begins of neighbouring shape.
The characteristics of this Pilot Plant of Captura of CO2 and Hidrógeno's Producción of Elcogas, they do of her a singular worldwide installation when having a great versatility so much in their gases I feed, as of the enriched generated gases, and to be integrated at a steam power plant in operation. Regarding the gases that he can treat said installation, and that they come from the gasification of autochthonous coal and carbon coke of oil, these can so much have sulphur components, as being completely free of them; The one thing that it is necessary to do in the installation to treat one or another type of gas is changing the cataliser utilised in the unit of conversion. And the fan of currents of exit that are obtained extends throughout from to be stored in formations geological, to a current of hydrogen pure made suitable in order to be used in sinks combustible, current of CO2 of great susceptible purity going by a delicious current in hydrogen ( 80 % ) that he can burn with a high efficiency in gas turbines. These possible destinies mentioned for the currents of CO2 and of pure hydrogen stay for the moment level of proposal for future fact-finding projects, since his destiny foreseen during the year of proofs is going to be its energetic valorization in the cycle combined of Elcogas.
Another similar gumption exists to the one of Elcogas for the capture of CO2 at a steam power plant of technology GICC. The company is carrying it out NUON, the fact that GICC explodes the steam power plant situated in Buggenum, Holland. His construction has a delay of some 6 months with respect to the one of Elcogas, so that the one that is being built in Puertollano is going to be the worldwide first.
This project is framed in the Singular and Strategic program of Proyectos of the MICINN, and it is being grant-aided so much by the MICINN like for the JCCM.