- ELCOGAS follows Law 16/2002, on integrated pollution control and prevention. Resolution 10/06/2009 of the General Directorate for Environmental Assessment was published in Issue 128 of the regional government's bulletin, the Diario Oficial de Castilla-La Mancha, of July 3rd, 2009. in this, the ELCOGAS Environmental permit is published (IEA) to . Resolution 10/06/2009 modifies certain conditions imposed by Resolution 30/04/2008 of the General Directorate for Environmental Assessment which established the conditions imposed by the IEA of ELCOGAS, S.A.
- ELCOGAS S.A. activities, will be carried out with the utmost respect for the environment and according to the principle of rational use of natural resources.
One of ELCOGAS S.A. aims is to improve its environment behaviour and prevent pollution. For this purpose, ELCOGAS, S.A. has established and maintains an updated Environmental Management System as evidence of its commitment to continuous improvement and pollution prevention.
ELCOGAS, S.A., also commits itself to permanent compliance with applicable legislation and regulations and other requirements the organization assumes with regard to environmental aspects.
- The Environmental Policy of ELCOGAS, S.A., is also directed to highlight the environmental value of integrated gasification combined cycle technology. In the Bibliography this value is mentioned in publications such as the BREF for Large Combustion Plants (Ref.: "Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control - Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for Large Combustion Plants"), a basic document for development of the sector according to Law 16/2002, July 1st, on integrated pollution prevention and control.
ELCOGAS has demonstrated the environmental value of IGCC technology by commercial operation of its Puertollano power station. This is also shown by the consumption optimization of existing resources and the pollutant emission levels achieved.